PRACTICAL 5 Install, Configure, And Troubleshoot Linux Web Server (Apache). THEORY In this practical, we will talk about Linux web server or Apache web server specifically and how to install it and configure it to serve your content to others. Linux Web server Implementations There are many Linux web server implementations available for you to use: Apache server Nginx Lighttpd Apache Tomcat Monkey HTTP Daemon (used especially for embedded systems) There are more Linux web servers, but this list is the most used web servers. The most used web servers are Apache and Nginx. Install Apache Web server You can install Apache server on Red Hat based distros using the following command: $ apt-get -y install apache2 The Apache web server service is called httpd on Red Hat based distros like CentOS, while it is called apache2 in Debian based distros. If you are using a firewall like iptables, you should add a rule for port 80. ...